September 19, 2024

Colleague Corner: Enlaces

Welcome to Encore’s Colleague Corner. In this web series, we’ll get a chance to learn from our colleagues across Encore about their careers and what our Mission to create pathways to economic freedom means to them, while touching on aspects of our culture.

For this edition of Colleague Corner, we reached out to three U.S. colleagues who are members of our newly launched Enlaces Employee Resource Group (ERG), which is aimed at providing a dedicated community for colleagues who identify as Hispanic/Latino/a/x or are of any Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race and nationality, and their allies.

  • Osvaldo Campos is Division Manager at Midland Credit Management’s (MCM) Troy, Michigan, location. He has been with the company 12 years.
  • Adina Veen is Leadership Development Program Manager at Encore’s San Diego headquarters. She has been with the company 4.5 years.
  • Diana DeLugan is Senior Governance, Risk and Compliance Analyst at MCM’s Phoenix location. She has been with the company 7.5 years. Diana serves as the Chair of Enlaces.

Q: What are your interests or career goals, and how did they lead you to join Encore?

Osvaldo: I’m driven by a passion for financial management, customer service and problem-solving. My career goal is to excel in the financial industry, and when I joined MCM, I knew this would help me to leverage my expertise in debt collection. I’m eager to develop my skills, work with a talented team, and contribute to delivering exceptional results for our consumers.

Adina: I have always had a passion for leadership development, empowering others with tools to be successful, and public speaking. Before coming to MCM, I was in the non-profit sector leading community leadership programs. I wanted to grow my reach and focus more on facilitating in the classroom, and that’s exactly what I was hired to do.

Diana: My career goal it simple – personal satisfaction. I want to work at a place where I can make a positive difference. Several years ago, I was looking for a career change. After learning I’d be dealing with consumers struggling with debt, I was strongly attracted by MCM’s Consumer Bill of Rights. Helping people resolve financial debt while treating them with honesty and respect resonates deeply within me.

Q: Our Mission is to help create pathways to economic freedom. What does that mean to you? What do you think it means to our consumers?

Osvaldo: To me, creating pathways to economic freedom means empowering individuals to regain control of their financial lives without judgment. It’s about meeting them where they are, offering support and guidance, and providing a safe space to take ownership of their responsibilities. I believe our approach to collections is unique because we prioritize the consumer’s well-being, recognizing that they are more than just their debt. By doing so, we can help them find a better way forward, one that fosters financial stability and independence.

Adina: It means that we listen to the consumers’ experience to create a pathway that works for them and empowers them to take ownership of their financial health. For consumers, it means we create a different experience than they may have had before, and we are a company they can trust.

Diana: It means that MCM is committed to working with our consumers to empower them to find financial relief. I love belonging to an organization that’s a leader in our industry and one that helps others improve their quality of life. It also means everything to our consumers. I believe one main consumer benefit is reduced stress. Debt can be debilitating, affecting sleep and heath, as well as the obvious negative financial impacts. Creating pathways to financial recovery can bring back joy and hope for a better tomorrow.

Q: Would you share a time when you experienced caring, finding a better way to achieve something, or being inclusive and collaborative at Encore?

Osvaldo: A personal example that stands out is when I joined the U.S. office as a manager from Costa Rica. Despite being far from my comfort zone, the entire team welcomed me with open arms, offering unwavering support and trust. Their kindness and inclusivity made me feel at home, allowing me to thrive in my new role. This experience embodies the Encore spirit of finding a better way through collaboration and empathy, and I’m grateful to be part of such a caring team.

Adina: I see our Values being lived daily in many different ways, but what stands out regularly is how caring my local HR team in San Diego is. The people I see day in and day out care to know about me, we laugh a lot together, and I know I can rely on them.

Diana: That’s easy! I experience it every day. In IT Risk and Control, our team thrives on inclusivity and collaboration, ensuring every voice is heard and valued. Respect and appreciation are at the core of our team dynamics.

Q: Helping people restore their financial health makes me feel _____________.

Osvaldo: Empowered.

Adina: Proud of the work I do.

Diana: Grateful for the opportunity to make a positive difference for others.

Underpinned by our Value of inclusion, our ERGs help foster a culture where everyone can thrive by embracing dedicated communities for our colleagues to extend mutual support and pursue professional development and mentorship opportunities. We invited our colleagues to share their experiences as members of our newest ERG, Enlaces.

Q: What led you to join Enlaces?

Osvaldo: I was drawn to join Enlaces because it offered a unique opportunity to connect with fellow Latin professionals across different offices, fostering a sense of community and cultural connection. Additionally, Enlaces allowed me to further develop my passion for building relationships, sharing experiences, and collaborating with others to drive a more inclusive culture. By joining Enlaces, I aimed to enhance my skills, expand my network and contribute to a vibrant and diverse community that shares my values.

Adina: As a Mexican-American, I have experienced the feeling of being “other” throughout my life. Not being treated as fully Mexican or American, I have navigated my education and career by creating relationships across cultures, but the relationships take time for me to build trust and comfort. When I’m around my fellow Hispanic and Latin American people (mi gente), it’s a totally different experience. I instantly feel like I belong. There’s something powerful about learning and growing with those who have a similar life experience as you. Once I heard Enlaces was being established, I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of creating that space for others.

Diana: As someone deeply invested in preserving and celebrating culture and traditions, I was excited at the opportunity to support and network with other employees in my greater community. It’s like having an extended family that all speak the same language.

Q: What would you say to a colleague considering joining Enlaces or another company ERG?

Osvaldo: I would highly recommend joining Enlaces or another ERG to any colleague. It’s a fantastic way to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, build meaningful relationships and expand your professional network. Moreover, it offers a unique chance to explore and learn about different cultures, fostering greater understanding, empathy and inclusivity. By participating in Enlaces, you’ll not only enhance your personal and professional growth but also contribute to a more vibrant and connected community within the company.

Adina: Do it! Now! Find the people that surround you with support and where you feel comfortable to grow. The more you invest in yourself and find people in your corner, the stronger you will become. I believe ERGs can open up opportunities you haven’t even thought of yet.

Diana: Join! Get involved! When you actively participate in an ERG that you have an affinity with, you’ll find an inclusive space that understands, values and celebrates your unique self.

Q: What would you say to a colleague who wants to get involved in Enlaces as an ally?

Osvaldo: I’d say don’t hesitate! Enlaces welcomes allies with open arms. Embark on this vibrant journey and immerse yourself in the richness of Latin culture. Join us with an open heart and mind, and get ready to experience the warmth and energy of our sabor Latino community.

Adina: Do it, and for the right reasons. Think about why you are an ally and what you are willing to do to be an ally.

Diana: Bienvenido/Welcome! The more we celebrate our diversity, the more we realize our similarities. Allies are fabulous global ambassadors of goodwill, a crucial component of any ERG’s success.